Sunday, September 20, 2009

Vacation 2009 - part one

I am way behind on the blog, so let's catch up a bit.
These are a a few photos from the end of August, when my friends Denise and Rosie made their way up to Norway after sampling the fine life in northern Italy for a few days. Through a somewhat convoluted travel plan (mostly my fault :) they flew in to Frankfurt Germany in the middle of the week, missed the first train to Milan, slept on a bench for half the night and then finally managed to get on the correct train to Italy. They spent a few sunny days in Milan and Lake Como in Italy before making their way north to the beautiful fall weather of Trondheim.
We managed to fit into my 400 sq. ft. apartment reasonably well. I was quite impressed at the amount of makeup,clothing, shoes and wine bottles that the girls managed to squeeze into their suitcases. Little did I know they were only getting started....
My friend Joel was nice enough to prepare a BBQ at his apartment for us one of the evenings. I forgot the veggie burgers of course but we had enough food anyway that I didn't go hungry. The two pictures at the top are from the deck outside Joel's apartment.
Denise and Rosie were both preparing for some fall races, so I introduced them to the 28K loop around Jonsvatnet reservoir. I thought it was pretty cool when I was able to ride my mt. bike around it for the first time this summer. Now I guess it wasn't such a big deal since Denise ran all the way around it almost as fast as I rode the bike :) - the little stinker! It's very hilly so I tried to warn them but I don't think they really believed me until after they both had gone all the way around. Denise did it 3 times and Rosie went all the way round on the last day here. The weather was great for running almost every day, there was a bit of rain in the afternoons while they were here but nothing too bad.
We also managed to make it to a couple of the good brew pubs here and they got to do some jewelry shopping downtown as well.

Now the weather in Kristiansund and
Ă…lesund, that was a bit worse :)
That will be part 2...

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